/* Redit, Oedit, Medit Copy - 12/06/2006 DSL I didn't copy resets, rprogs, or exits as this can be convoluted. While I realize there are other 'copy' codes out there, I wrote this one to be able to copy simple one aspect, or a few aspects or all aspects of any given mob/room/object. This has been a boon to builders on my own game so I wanted to share. Say you want a mob that's about as hard to kill as... Lord Vulture. medit create 1234, copy 17013, then change long/short/desc/name etc. It can really speed up the tedious parts of building. Enjoy! - Dave/Skol/Zivilyn on AnsalonMUD.com. Originally on Ansalonmud.com _________________________________________________________________ /\--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--_\ | ===== A N S A L O N M U D ===== | \ --------------------- \ | | | Originally by: Jair, Ahotasu and Deason | / and currently by: Skol, Renli and Invictus / | with a huge thanks to Galaphale, Bharish and Demilon | | _________ )}_________ | | /.-------./\\ //\.-------.\ | / //@@@@@@@//@@\\ ) ( //@@\\@@@@@@@\\ / | _///@@@@@@@//@@@@>>/ \<<@@@@\\@@@@@@@\\ | |/ //O@O@O@O//@O@O// \\O@O@\\O@O@O@O\\ | //OOOOOOOO//OOOO|| \ / ||OOOO\\OOOOOOOO\\ | //O%O%O%O%//O%O%O%\\ ))(( //%O%O%O\\%O%O%O%O\\ | ||%%%%%%%%//' `%%%%\\ // \\ //%%%%' `\\%%%%%%%%||| ((%%%%%%%(( %%%%%\\ (( )) //%%%%% ))%%%%%%%))\ \:::' `::\\ `:::::\\ \)^^(/ //:::::' //::' `:::/ | |)' `;)' (' ` \\ `<@ @>' / / ' ') `(;' __ `( | | ( \`\ )/\( / / ) / \ | / ______________)_\\oo/___(______oOo________/_/` '/| / | / ^^ VVV '|/| | | | Welcome to Ansalon! ` |\\ | | ________________________________________________/ \| | |/ / ,/ \______/ \\ ^\/^ /'/ | \ ___//^ \_____/\\ /'/ \ | <<<_`\ <____/\\ /''> | | Learn MORE! ' <____/`- ' _> | | http://www.AnsalonMUD.com <____/__> | \ `---' \ \ Credits: (read: where we're from and all that) \ | | | History: Crowther and Woods "Collossal Cave" Adventure --> | / Zork --> IT Games were the inspiration for Copper->Alfa Mud | | Which in turn inspired the creation of... / | DikuMUD --> Merc 2.1 --> Rom 2.4b2 --> Ansalon / \ AnsalonMud derived from ROM with many years of changes. \ | Ansalon started as AlphaMUD in 1996, 1997 became Ansalon | | DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, | | Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer | / MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. / | ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor | | | / /| /| |\ / \_/ \_-/\_-/\_-/ \-/\_-__-_/\/\_-/ \-/\_-__\\_-/ \-/\-/ \-_\_\ */ // First make a few new HELP files. IN YOUR GAME: HEDIT MAKE COPY 'MOB COPY' LEVEL (your IMMORTAL level) DESC copy 32094 name: copies the mob name copy 32094 act: copies the mob act flags copy 32094 sex: copies the mob sex copy 32094 group: copies the mob group number copy 32094 race: copies the mob race copy 32094 level: copies the mob level copy 32094 alignment: copies the mob alignment copy 32094 hitroll: copies the mob hitroll copy 32094 dam_type: copies the mob damage type copy 32094 hit dice: copies the mob hit dice copy 32094 damage dice:copies the mob damage dice copy 32094 mana: copies the mob mana copy 32094 aff: copies the mob affected by copy 32094 armor/ac: copies the mob armor classes copy 32094 form: copies the mob form copy 32094 parts: copies the mob body parts copy 32094 imm: copies the mob immunities copy 32094 off: copies the mob offensive actions copy 32094 shop: copies the mob shop (or removes if NA) copy 32094 size: copies the mob size copy 32094 start: copies the mob starting position copy 32094 default: copies the mob default position copy 32094 wealth: copies the mob wealth copy 32094 special: copies the mob special fun (spec_fun) copy 32094 short: copies the mob short description copy 32094 long: copies the mob long description copy 32094 desc: copies the mob full description copy 32094: CLONE all aspects of the mob This should make it insanely simple to match good mobs. Then, simply modify things to your taste. Or copy just 'part' of the mob, it's shop, it's descs, you name it. @ ASAVE HELPS DONE HEDIT MAKE COPY 'OEDIT COPY' DESC Oedit copy works in the oedit mode. Edit object #. copy 32003 level: copies the item level. copy 32003 name: copies the item name. copy 32003 long: copies the item long description. copy 32003 short: copies the item short description. copy 32003 ed: copies the item extended descs (extended works too) copy 32003 type: copies the item item type. copy 32003 wear: copies the item wear flags. copy 32003 material: copies the item materials. copy 32003 extra: copies the item extra flags. copy 32003 affects: copies the item affects. copy 32003 values: copies the item values. (v fields) copy 32003 condition: copies the item condition. copy 32003 weight: copies the item weight. copy 32003 cost: copies the item cost. copy 32003 timer: copies the item timer. copy 32003: copies the entire object, all stats, descs, values etc. copy 32003 all, does the same. This should make it insanely simple to match good equipment, or items, fountains etc. Then, simply modify things to your taste. @ ASAVE HELPS DONE Hedit Make COPY 'ROOM COPY' desc COPY 'ROOM COPY' Redit copy works from the redit mode only. copy 1233 name: copies the room name. copy 1233 sector: copies the room sector copy 1233 flags: copies the room flags copy 1233 heal: copies the room heal rate copy 1233 mana: copies the room mana rate copy 1233 clan: copies the room clan copy 1233 owner: copies the room owner copy 1233 desc: copies the room desc. copy 1233 extra: copies all room extra descs copy 1233: copies all of the stats (not exits or resets). copy 1233 all, does the same as no argument. Exits and resets will never be copied. This command can greatly help in building, wether it's just room flags, or repetetive rooms. @ ASAVE HELPS DONE // In your favorite file editor or bash prompt pico/nano/vim etc. // File olc.c ----------------------------------------------------- // In const struct olc_cmd_type redit_table[] add (below commands): { "copy", redit_copy }, // DSL room copy 1206 // In const struct olc_cmd_type oedit_table[] add: { "copy", oedit_copy }, // DSL object copy 1206 // In const struct olc_cmd_type medit_table[] add: { "copy", medit_copy }, // DSL Medit copy 1206 // File olc.h ----------------------------------------------------- // Find the following sections: /* * Room Editor Prototypes */ // add DECLARE_OLC_FUN( redit_copy ); // DSL copy rooms 1206 /* * Object Editor Prototypes */ // add DECLARE_OLC_FUN( oedit_copy ); // DSL copy objects 1206 /* * Mobile Editor Prototypes */ // add DECLARE_OLC_FUN( medit_copy ); // DSL mobile copy 1206 // File olc_act.c -------------------------------------------------- REDIT (redit_copy) { ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomOrig; ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomCopy; char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int vnum; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (argument[0] == '\0') { sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " all, name, sector, flags, heal, mana,\r\n" " clan, owner, desc, extra. Use all to clone.\r\n"); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } bool cAll; argument = one_argument (argument, arg1); argument = one_argument (argument, arg2); if (!str_cmp (arg2, "all" ) || arg2[0] == '\0') cAll = TRUE; else cAll = FALSE; if (!is_number(arg1)) { sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " COPY \r\n" " %s is not a number.\r\n", arg1); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } else { vnum = atoi(arg1); if ((pRoomOrig = get_room_index(vnum)) == NULL) { sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify an EXISTING vnum to copy.\r\n" " %d is not an existing room.\r\n", vnum); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } // Ok, made it through, let's start and copy the whole thing, excluding // any exits (link issue ;p), we're not taking resets either EDIT_ROOM(ch, pRoomCopy); if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "name")) { free_string( pRoomCopy->name ); pRoomCopy->name = str_dup( pRoomOrig->name ); sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x name copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pRoomCopy->name); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "sector")) { pRoomCopy->sector_type = pRoomOrig->sector_type; sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x sector copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string( sector_flags, pRoomCopy->sector_type ) ); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "flags")) { pRoomCopy->room_flags = pRoomOrig->room_flags; sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x room flags copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string( room_flags, pRoomCopy->room_flags ) ); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "heal")) { pRoomCopy->heal_rate = pRoomOrig->heal_rate; sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x heal rate copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pRoomCopy->heal_rate); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "mana")) { pRoomCopy->mana_rate = pRoomOrig->mana_rate; sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x mana rate copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pRoomCopy->mana_rate); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "clan")) { pRoomCopy->clan = pRoomOrig->clan; sprintf( buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x clan copied: {y%s{x\r\n" , ((pRoomCopy->clan > 0) ? clan_table[pRoomCopy->clan].name : "None" )); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "owner")) { free_string( pRoomCopy->owner ); pRoomCopy->owner = str_dup( pRoomOrig->owner ); sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x owner copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pRoomCopy->owner[0] == '\0' ? "None" : pRoomCopy->owner ); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "extra")) { if (pRoomOrig->extra_descr) { EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *ed; pRoomCopy->extra_descr = pRoomOrig->extra_descr; sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x extra descs copied: {y"); send_to_char (buf,ch); for (ed = pRoomCopy->extra_descr; ed; ed = ed->next) { send_to_char (ed->keyword, ch); send_to_char (" ", ch); } send_to_char ("{x\r\n", ch); } if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "description")) { free_string( pRoomCopy->description ); pRoomCopy->description = str_dup( pRoomOrig->description ); sprintf (buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x description copied: \r\n%s{x", pRoomCopy->description); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll) { sprintf(buf, "\r\n{rREDIT: {yCOPY: Room %d duplicated.{x\r\n", vnum ); send_to_char (buf, ch); return TRUE; } sprintf(buf, "{rREDIT: {yCOPY:{x Syntax Error. \"{r%s{x\"\r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " all, name, sector, flags, heal, mana,\r\n" " clan, owner, desc, extra. Use all to clone.\r\n", arg2); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } } OEDIT (oedit_copy) { OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjOrig; OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjCopy; char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int vnum, i; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (argument[0] == '\0') { sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " level, name, long, short, extended, type, wear,\r\n" " material, extra, affects, values\r\n" " condition, weight, cost, timer. Use \'all\' to clone.\r\n"); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } bool cAll; argument = one_argument (argument, arg1); argument = one_argument (argument, arg2); if (!str_cmp (arg2, "all" ) || arg2[0] == '\0') cAll = TRUE; else cAll = FALSE; if (!is_number(arg1)) { sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " COPY \r\n" " %s is not a number.\r\n", arg1); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } else { vnum = atoi(arg1); if ((pObjOrig = get_obj_index(vnum)) == NULL) { sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify an EXISTING object to copy.\r\n" " %d is not an existing object.\r\n", vnum); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } EDIT_OBJ (ch, pObjCopy); if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "level")) { pObjCopy->level = pObjOrig->level; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x level copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pObjCopy->level); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "name")) { free_string( pObjCopy->name ); pObjCopy->name = str_dup( pObjOrig->name ); sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x name copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pObjCopy->name); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "long") || !str_prefix (arg2, "description")) { free_string( pObjCopy->description ); pObjCopy->description = str_dup( pObjOrig->description ); sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x description copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pObjCopy->description); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "short")) { free_string( pObjCopy->short_descr ); pObjCopy->short_descr = str_dup( pObjOrig->short_descr ); sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Short desc copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pObjCopy->short_descr); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "extended") || !str_prefix (arg2, "ed")) { EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *ed; EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *edCLONE; for (ed = pObjOrig->extra_descr; ed != NULL; ed = ed->next) { edCLONE = new_extra_descr(); edCLONE->keyword = str_dup( ed->keyword ); edCLONE->description = str_dup( ed->description); edCLONE->next = pObjCopy->extra_descr; pObjCopy->extra_descr = edCLONE; } sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x extra desc copied: {y"); send_to_char(buf,ch); for ( ed = pObjCopy->extra_descr; ed; ed = ed->next ) { send_to_char( ed->keyword, ch ); send_to_char( " ", ch ); } send_to_char( "{x\r\n", ch ); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "type")) { pObjCopy->item_type = pObjOrig->item_type; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x item type copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string( type_flags, pObjCopy->item_type)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "wear")) { pObjCopy->wear_flags = pObjOrig->wear_flags; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x wear flags copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string ( wear_flags, pObjCopy->wear_flags)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "materials")) { pObjCopy->materials.major = pObjOrig->materials.major; pObjCopy->materials.minor = pObjOrig->materials.minor; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x materials copied: {y%s/%s{x\r\n", material_name (pObjCopy->materials.major), material_name (pObjCopy->materials.minor)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "extra")) { pObjCopy->extra_flags = pObjOrig->extra_flags; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x extra flags copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string ( extra_flags, pObjCopy->extra_flags)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "condition")) { pObjCopy->condition = pObjOrig->condition; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x condition copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pObjCopy->condition); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "weight")) { pObjCopy->weight = pObjOrig->weight; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x weight copied: {y%d{x (10th lbs)\r\n", pObjCopy->weight); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "cost")) { pObjCopy->cost = pObjOrig->cost; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x cost copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pObjCopy->cost); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "timer")) { pObjCopy->timer = pObjOrig->timer; sprintf (buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x timer copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pObjCopy->timer); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "affects")) { AFFECT_DATA *paf; int cnt; // it's just an int, zap it over then show what we did pObjCopy->affected = pObjOrig->affected; send_to_char ("{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x affects copied: \r\n", ch); for ( cnt = 0, paf = pObjCopy->affected; paf; paf = paf->next ) { if ( cnt == 0 ) { send_to_char( "Number Modifier Affects\r\n", ch ); send_to_char( "------ -------- -------\r\n", ch ); } if (paf->where != TO_RESISTANCE_AFFECTS && paf->where != TO_RESISTANCE_AFFECTS2) { sprintf( buf, "[%4d] %-8d %s\r\n", cnt, paf->modifier, flag_string( apply_flags, paf->location ) ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); } else { sprintf (buf, "[%4d] %-8d Resistance %s\r\n", cnt, paf->modifier, res_table[paf->location].cname); send_to_char (buf, ch); } cnt++; } if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "values")) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) pObjCopy->value[i] = pObjOrig->value[i]; send_to_char ("{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x values copied:{x\r\n",ch); show_obj_values (ch, pObjCopy); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll) { sprintf(buf, "\r\n{rOEDIT: {yCOPY: Object %d duplicated.{x\r\n", vnum ); send_to_char (buf, ch); return TRUE; } sprintf(buf, "{rOEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Syntax Error. \"{r%s{x\"\r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " level, name, long, short, extended, type, wear,\r\n" " material, extra, affects, values\r\n" " condition, weight, cost, timer. Use \'all\' to clone.\r\n", arg2); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } } MEDIT (medit_copy) { MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobOrig; MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobCopy; char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int vnum; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (argument[0] == '\0') { sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " name, act, act2, sex, group, race, level, alignment,\r\n" " hitroll, dam_type (damage), hit dice, damage dice, \r\n" " mana, aff, armor/ac, form, parts, imm, off, shop,\r\n" " size, start, default, wealth, special, short, long, desc.\r\n" " Use \'all\' to clone the mob.\r\n"); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } bool cAll; argument = one_argument (argument, arg1); argument = one_argument (argument, arg2); if (!str_cmp (arg2, "all" ) || arg2[0] == '\0') cAll = TRUE; else cAll = FALSE; if (!is_number(arg1)) { sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify a vnum to copy.\r\n" " Syntax: COPY \r\n" " COPY \r\n" " %s is not a number.\r\n", arg1); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } else { vnum = atoi(arg1); if ((pMobOrig = get_mob_index(vnum)) == NULL) { sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY: {xYou must specify an EXISTING mob to copy.\r\n" " %d is not an existing mob.\r\n", vnum); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } EDIT_MOB (ch, pMobCopy); if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "name")) { free_string( pMobCopy->player_name ); pMobCopy->player_name = str_dup( pMobOrig->player_name ); sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Name copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pMobCopy->player_name); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "act")) { pMobCopy->act = pMobOrig->act; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Act copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(act_flags, pMobCopy->act)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } /* If you have installed/created 'act2' then uncomment this. if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "act2")) { pMobCopy->act2 = pMobOrig->act2; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Act2 copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(act_flags2, pMobCopy->act2)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } */ if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "sex")) { pMobCopy->sex = pMobOrig->sex; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Sex copied: {y%s{x\r\n", pMobCopy->sex == SEX_MALE ? "male" : pMobCopy->sex == SEX_FEMALE ? "female" : pMobCopy->sex == 3 ? "random" : "neutral"); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } /* If you have created mob PERM stats and coded it exactly the same way that I happened to do so? Uncomment this heh. if (cAll || is_name (arg2, "permstat")) { sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Perm stats copied: {y"); send_to_char (buf, ch); int str, inte, wis, dex, con; str = pMobOrig->perm_stat[STAT_STR]; inte = pMobOrig->perm_stat[STAT_INT]; wis = pMobOrig->perm_stat[STAT_WIS]; dex = pMobOrig->perm_stat[STAT_DEX]; con = pMobOrig->perm_stat[STAT_CON]; sprintf (buf, "STR:{%s%2d{y INT:{%s%2d{y WIS:{%s%2d{y DEX:{%s%2d{y CON:{%s%2d{y\r\n", str == 0 ? "y":"r", str, inte == 0 ? "y":"r", inte, wis == 0 ? "y":"r", wis, dex == 0 ? "y":"r", dex, con == 0 ? "y":"r", con); if (str + inte + wis + dex + con > 0) send_to_char (buf, ch); else send_to_char ("None modified.\r\n", ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } */ /* Resistances on Ansalon are an array of ints, yours aren't, ignore if (cAll || is_name (arg2, "resistance") || is_name (arg2, "resmod")) { char reses[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int i, col; bool resshow = FALSE; sprintf (reses, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Resistance Mods copied: "); for (i = 1, col = 0; res_table[i].cname != NULL; i++) { if (pMobOrig->res_mod[i] != 0) { sprintf (buf, "%-10s {%s%4d{x ", res_table[i].cname, pMobOrig->res_mod[i] > 0 ? "y" : "r", pMobOrig->res_mod[i]); strcat (reses, buf); pMobCopy->res_mod[i] = pMobOrig->res_mod[i]; if (++col % 3 == 0) strcat (reses, "\r\n "); resshow = TRUE; } } if (resshow) { send_to_char (reses, ch); if (col % 4 != 0) send_to_char ("\r\n", ch); } if (!cAll) return TRUE; }*/ if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "group")) { pMobCopy->group = pMobOrig->group; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Group copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->group); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "race")) { pMobCopy->race = pMobOrig->race; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Race copied: {y%s{x\r\n", race_table[pMobCopy->race].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "level")) { pMobCopy->level = pMobOrig->level; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Level copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->level); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "alignment")) { pMobCopy->alignment = pMobOrig->alignment; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Alignment copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->alignment); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "hitroll")) { pMobCopy->hitroll = pMobOrig->hitroll; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Hitroll copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->hitroll); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "dam_type") || !str_cmp (arg2, "damage")) { pMobCopy->dam_type = pMobOrig->dam_type; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Damage type copied: {y%s{x\r\n", attack_table[pMobCopy->dam_type].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "hit") || !str_cmp (arg2, "hit dice")) { pMobCopy->hit[DICE_NUMBER] = pMobOrig->hit[DICE_NUMBER]; pMobCopy->hit[DICE_TYPE] = pMobOrig->hit[DICE_TYPE]; pMobCopy->hit[DICE_BONUS] = pMobOrig->hit[DICE_BONUS]; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Hit dice copied: {y%2dd%-3d+%4d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->hit[DICE_NUMBER], pMobCopy->hit[DICE_TYPE], pMobCopy->hit[DICE_BONUS]); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "damdice") || !str_cmp (arg2, "damage dice")) { pMobCopy->damage[DICE_NUMBER] = pMobOrig->damage[DICE_NUMBER]; pMobCopy->damage[DICE_TYPE] = pMobOrig->damage[DICE_TYPE]; pMobCopy->damage[DICE_BONUS] = pMobOrig->damage[DICE_BONUS]; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Damage dice copied: {y%2dd%-3d+%4d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->damage[DICE_NUMBER], pMobCopy->damage[DICE_TYPE], pMobCopy->damage[DICE_BONUS]); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "mana") || !str_cmp (arg2, "mana dice")) { pMobCopy->mana[DICE_NUMBER] = pMobOrig->mana[DICE_NUMBER]; pMobCopy->mana[DICE_TYPE] = pMobOrig->mana[DICE_TYPE]; pMobCopy->mana[DICE_BONUS] = pMobOrig->mana[DICE_BONUS]; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Mana dice copied: {y%2dd%-3d+%4d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->mana[DICE_NUMBER], pMobCopy->mana[DICE_TYPE], pMobCopy->mana[DICE_BONUS]); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "aff")) { pMobCopy->affected_by = pMobOrig->affected_by; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Aff copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(affect_flags, pMobCopy->affected_by)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } /* If you've installed 'affect2' code, de-comment this: if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "aff2")) { pMobCopy->affected_by2 = pMobOrig->affected_by2; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Aff2 copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(affect_flags2, pMobCopy->affected_by2)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; }*/ if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "armor") || !str_cmp (arg2, "ac")) { pMobCopy->ac[AC_PIERCE] = pMobOrig->ac[AC_PIERCE]; pMobCopy->ac[AC_BASH] = pMobOrig->ac[AC_BASH]; pMobCopy->ac[AC_SLASH] = pMobOrig->ac[AC_SLASH]; pMobCopy->ac[AC_EXOTIC] = pMobOrig->ac[AC_EXOTIC]; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Armor copied: pierce: {y%d{x bash: {y%d{x slash: {y%d{x magic: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->ac[AC_PIERCE], pMobCopy->ac[AC_BASH], pMobCopy->ac[AC_SLASH], pMobCopy->ac[AC_EXOTIC]); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "form")) { pMobCopy->form = pMobOrig->form; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Form copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(form_flags, pMobCopy->form)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "parts")) { pMobCopy->parts = pMobOrig->parts; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Parts copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(part_flags, pMobCopy->parts)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "immunities") || !str_prefix (arg2, "immune")) { pMobCopy->imm_flags = pMobOrig->imm_flags; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Immunities copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(imm_flags, pMobCopy->imm_flags)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "offense")) { pMobCopy->off_flags = pMobOrig->off_flags; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Offensive copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(off_flags, pMobCopy->off_flags)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "size")) { pMobCopy->size = pMobOrig->size; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Size copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(size_flags, pMobCopy->size)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "start") || !str_cmp (arg2, "position start")) { pMobCopy->start_pos = pMobOrig->start_pos; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Start Position copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(position_flags, pMobCopy->start_pos)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "default") || !str_cmp (arg2, "position default")) { pMobCopy->default_pos = pMobOrig->default_pos; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Default Position copied: {y%s{x\r\n", flag_string(position_flags, pMobCopy->default_pos)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "wealth")) { pMobCopy->wealth = pMobOrig->wealth; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Wealth copied: {y%ld{x\r\n", pMobCopy->wealth); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "spec_fun") || !str_prefix (arg2, "special")) { pMobCopy->spec_fun = pMobOrig->spec_fun; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Spec copied: {y%s{x\r\n", spec_name (pMobCopy->spec_fun)); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "short")) { free_string( pMobCopy->short_descr ); pMobCopy->short_descr = str_dup( pMobOrig->short_descr ); sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Short Description copied:{y%s{x\r\n", pMobCopy->short_descr); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "long")) { free_string( pMobCopy->long_descr ); pMobCopy->long_descr = str_dup( pMobOrig->long_descr ); sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Long Description copied: {y%s{x", pMobCopy->long_descr); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_prefix (arg2, "description")) { free_string( pMobCopy->description ); pMobCopy->description = str_dup( pMobOrig->description ); sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Description copied:\r\n%s{x", pMobCopy->description); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } if (cAll || !str_cmp (arg2, "shop")) { if (pMobOrig->pShop) // Only do this if the original has a shop. { if (!pMobCopy->pShop) // ONLY assign shop if there isn't one. { pMobCopy->pShop = new_shop(); if (!shop_first) shop_first = pMobCopy->pShop; if (shop_last) shop_last->next = pMobCopy->pShop; shop_last = pMobCopy->pShop; pMobCopy->pShop->keeper = pMobCopy->vnum; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop assigned: {y%s{x\r\n", pMobCopy->pShop ? "yes":"no"); send_to_char(buf,ch); } // Shop open copy pMobCopy->pShop->open_hour = pMobOrig->pShop->open_hour; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop open copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->pShop->open_hour); send_to_char(buf,ch); // Shop close copy pMobCopy->pShop->close_hour = pMobOrig->pShop->close_hour; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop close copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->pShop->close_hour); send_to_char(buf,ch); // Shop profit copy pMobCopy->pShop->profit_buy = pMobOrig->pShop->profit_buy; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop profit buy copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->pShop->profit_buy); send_to_char(buf,ch); pMobCopy->pShop->profit_sell = pMobOrig->pShop->profit_sell; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop profit sell copied: {y%d{x\r\n", pMobCopy->pShop->profit_sell); send_to_char(buf,ch); // Shop types int iTrade; for (iTrade=0;iTradepShop->buy_type[iTrade] = pMobOrig->pShop->buy_type[iTrade]; sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop type copied: {y[%d] %s{x\r\n", iTrade, flag_string (type_flags, pMobCopy->pShop->buy_type[iTrade])); send_to_char (buf, ch); } sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop copied.{x\r\n"); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; }// End of 'has pShop' to copy else { sprintf (buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x No shop to copy.{x\r\n"); send_to_char(buf,ch); } } if (!pMobOrig->pShop && pMobCopy->pShop) { SHOP_DATA *pShop; pShop = pMobCopy->pShop; pMobCopy->pShop = NULL; if ( pShop == shop_first ) { if ( !pShop->next ) { shop_first = NULL; shop_last = NULL; } else shop_first = pShop->next; } else { SHOP_DATA *ipShop; for ( ipShop = shop_first; ipShop; ipShop = ipShop->next ) { if ( ipShop->next == pShop ) { if ( !pShop->next ) { shop_last = ipShop; shop_last->next = NULL; } else ipShop->next = pShop->next; } } } free_shop(pShop); send_to_char("{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Shop removed.{x\r\n", ch); if (!cAll) return TRUE; } // Straight copy, just let them know it all was. if (cAll) { sprintf(buf, "\r\n{rMEDIT: {yCOPY: %s (Mob %d) duplicated.{x\r\n", pMobOrig->short_descr, vnum ); send_to_char (buf, ch); return TRUE; } // Not a valid command/part, let them know, and yes. I'm a goof, Syntax error heh. sprintf(buf, "{rMEDIT: {yCOPY:{x Syntax Error. \"{r%s{x\"\r\n" " {yValid Arguments:{x\r\n" " name, act, sex, group, race, level, alignment,\r\n" " hitroll, dam_type (damage), hit dice, damage dice, \r\n" " mana, aff, armor/ac, form, parts, imm, off, shop,\r\n" " size, start, default, wealth, special, short, long, desc.\r\n" " Use \'all\' to clone the mob.\r\n", arg2); send_to_char (buf, ch); return FALSE; } }