If you do not know the C programming language, it is recommended that you buy a book on it, or check a book out from your public library. If you don't know the unix operating system, it is recommended that you buy or check out a unix book. Rom is currently being developed in the linux variant of unix.
tar -xzf Rom24b4a.tar.gz &
If your machine has an old version of tar, it will return the following error message:
tar: z: unknown option
If your version of tar does not support the 'z' flag, try the following:
gunzip Rom24b4a.tar.gz & tar -xf Rom24b4a.tar &
If neither of the above work, try downloading the file again. If you are downloading it with ftp, make sure you type 'bin' before getting the file. It is possible that your copy of the file corrupted in transfer, or was not saved as a binary.
cd Rom24/src
Once in the src directory, type:
make &
Rom will begin to compile. You should see the following messages:
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_comm.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_enter.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_info.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_move.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_obj.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g act_wiz.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g alias.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g ban.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g comm.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g const.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g db.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g db2.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g effects.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g fight.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g flags.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g handler.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g healer.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g interp.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g note.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g lookup.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g magic.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g magic2.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g music.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g recycle.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g save.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g scan.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g skills.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g special.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g tables.c
gcc -c -Wall -O -g update.c
rm -f rom
gcc -O -g -o rom act_comm.o act_enter.o act_info.o act_move.o act_obj.o act_wiz.o alias.o ban.o comm.o const.o db.o db2.o effects.o fight.o flags.o handler.o healer.o interp.o note.o lookup.o magic.o magic2.o music.o recycle.o save.o scan.o skills.o special.o tables.o update.o
If you saw an error message, try typing 'rm *.o' and then 'make &' again. If that does not work, it may mean that Rom requires modification to run on your unix account. In this case, you should subscribe to the Rom mailing list and ask for help. Be as specific as you can about the machine and operating system you are using.
cd ..
cd area
Then type:
startup &
You may see some messages, but the one you are watching for is:
ROM is ready to rock on port 9000.
If you see an error message when you type 'startup &', make sure you are in the correct directory (Rom24/area) and try again. If it still does not work, try typing:
./startup &
If you see the following message:
Init socket: bind: Address already in use
It means that someone else is already running software that requires port 9000. In that case, type the following:
kill %startup
Then edit the file called 'startup' in the unix editor of your choice (vi, pico or emacs, pico is the easiest if you're unfamiliar with unix). Look for this line:
set port = 9000
Change '9000' to another port that you think is not in use. The port number you choose should be between 3000 and 9000. It should be easy to remember, such as 8000. Save the 'startup' file, then try 'startup &' again. If you get the 'bind' error again, try other port numbers until you find an available one.
Now that you have Rom booted, you need to make yourself a player file or pfile. Log in to your mud as you normally log in to a mud, using the name of your machine and the port number you have selected. Create a new character the normal way. Then quit the game. Change to the Rom24/player directory, and edit your character file. Your character file will have the same name as your character. Look for the following line:
Levl 1
Change the '1' to '60'. Save the file. Next time you log in, you will be level 60, with all the immortal powers that the mud has. You are now finished the basic setup of your mud.
Right now, your Rom mud is very basic. You may wish to check out other resources that this site offers that will let you customize your mud.