#AREADATA Name Citadel of the Undead~ Builders None~ VNUMs 26100 26199 Security 9 Credits None~ End #MOBILES #0 #OBJECTS #0 #ROOMS #26100 {DD{wa{Wrk Pa{wt{Dh{x~ {DThe long {wbranches of the {Wtrees, standing alon{wg the edges, bo{Dw over the{x {Dpathway, s{whedding their le{Waves. Most of the ligh{wt is filtered o{Dut by the{x {Dcanopy fo{wrmed by the boug{Whs. The leaves scatter {win different d{Directions{x {Das an occa{wsional gust of w{Wind blows through. A {wmelancholy cry {Dof a raven{x {Dcan be hear{wd in the distanc{We.{x ~ 0 1 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26101 S #26101 {DE{we{Wrie Pa{wt{Dh{x~ {DThe gnar{wly trees crowdi{Wng the edges, block out {wmost of the lig{Dht, except{x {Dover the {wpathway where t{Whe branches barely meet. E{wxotic flowers g{Drow along{x {Dthe base {wof the wooden g{Wuardians standing in a sea {wof undergrowth{D. Fallen{x {Dleaves swi{wrl about as an {Woccasional gust of wind {wpicks them off {Dthe ground. {x ~ 0 1 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26102 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26100 S #26102 {DB{we{Wnd in Pa{wt{Dh{x~ {DThe fore{wst is dense wit{Wh trees growing closel{wy together and {Dthe thick{x {Dundergrow{wth filling the {Wspace between them. The {wlong branches {Dsprinkle{x {Dtheir le{waves onto the t{Wrail which are blown abou{wt by the wind. {DA hollow{x {Dlog, host{wing a colony of {Wmushrooms, lies at th{we edge of the pa{Dthway. A{x {Draven lets {wout a cry in t{Whe distance.{x ~ 0 1 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26101 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26103 S #26103 ~ {DA mist d{wrifts slowly th{Wrough the woods making it {wdifficult to s{Dee too far{x {Dalong the {wtrail. The lon{Wg boughs of the trees stretc{wh across the m{Deandering{x {Dpath lit{wtered with folia{Wge. The canopy filters out m{wost of the lig{Dht except{x {Dexcept ov{wer the passagewa{Wy. A rustling sound emanat{wes from somewh{Dere in the{x {Dthick shru{wbbery.{x ~ 0 1 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26104 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26102 S #26104 {DO{wL{WD {yR{wU{gS{wT{mY {WGA{wT{DE{x~ {DAn old {wrusted wrought-{Wiron gate stands in the {whiatus of a {Dstone wall{x {Dextendin{wg east and west{W. The boughs of the trees, {wgrowing in {Dthis area,{x {Dveils th{we portal in sha{Wdows. Vines have entwined {wthemselves a{Dround the{x {Dbarrier p{wartially concea{Wling the carvings etche{wd into the st{Dones.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26105 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26103 S #26105 {DD{wa{Wrk Pa{wt{Dh{x~ The overgrown vegetation has invaded the dirt road continuing north to a small clearing and south through a rusted gate. Leaves from the overhead branches drift to the ground, littering the pathway. Most of the light is filtered out by the canopy created by the long boughs. Shadows move behind the trees then quickly disappears. ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26106 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26104 S #26106 {DS{wm{Wall Cleari{wn{Dg{x~ The path cuts through a small clearing where open graves lies along the edges. The pits are filled with foliage and vegetation growing from them. The grave markings are strewn about, some half-buried in the dirt. A lone raven's cry can be heard echoing through the forest. ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26107 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26105 S #26107 {DO{wu{Wter Ga{wt{De {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe path{wway has been ov{Werrun with undergrowth inv{wading it from {Dboth sides.{x {DLeaves, f{wallen from the {Wlong branches of the trees c{wrowding the ed{Dges of the{x {Dnarrowed {wroad, litter th{We ground. Large wooden twin {wgates, standi{Dng between{x {Dtwo high {wwalls, loom to t{Whe north, blocking the way{w. A worn, car{Dved sign is{x {Dmounted be{wside the gate.{x ~ 0 0 0 E sign~ {D [:{wFo{Wrenya Fortre{wss{D:]{x ~ D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26108 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26106 S #26108 {DB{wa{Wrbic{wa{Dn {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThis is {wthe outer forti{Wfication of the old fort{wress. Three wa{Dlls with a{x {Dparapet w{walk protect the {Wouter section of the cast{wle. A moat to {Dthe north{x {Dseparate{ws the barbican {Wfrom the outer bailey of th{we fortress. A m{Dist moves{x {Dslowly ac{wross this area. {WThe light from the torch{wes mounted on t{Dhe curtain{x {Dwalls, bar{wely penetrate t{Whrough the fog.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26109 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26107 S #26109 {DD{wr{Wawbrid{wg{De {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DTo the {wnorth, the port{Wcullis is raised, allowi{wng entry throug{Dh the main{x {Dcastle e{wntrance. Curta{Win walls, supporting woode{wn galleries, ex{Dtend east{x {Dand west {wfrom the gateh{Wouse. Below, a deep moat {wencircles the s{Dtronghold,{x {Dprotectin{wg it from invad{Wers. A mist, slowly drif{wting, blankets {Dthe area.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26110 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26108 S #26110 {DO{wu{Wter Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe impo{wsing walls of t{Whe fort loom all around, d{wwarving almost {Deverything.{x {Dstanding {win the outer ba{Wiley. To the south, a gateho{wuse stretches a{Dcross the{x {Darched e{wntrance housing{W a portcullis. Wooden gallerie{ws finish off th{De top of{x {Dthe sout{whern wall, conti{Wnuing from the gatehouse. A{wn embattled par{Dapet walk{x {Dcontinues {waround the rest {Wof the walls. A well stan{wds near the mid{Ddle of the{x {Dlarge court{wyard. Vines have {Winvaded the ward, grow{wing from the cr{Dacks in the{x {Dground, then {wslowly spreading {Woutward.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26172 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26112 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26109 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26111 S #26111 {DO{wu{Wter Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DVines g{wrowing from fis{Wsures in the floor have c{wrept up to the {Dwall walk.{x {DA set of{w stone stairs i{Ws also entangled in tendril{ws of vegetation {Dgrowing{x {Deverywhe{wre. The large o{Wuter bailey, also covered {wwith an invasio{Dn of long {Dentwined {wropes of greene{Wry.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26174 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26110 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26119 S #26112 {DO{wu{Wter Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26164 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26110 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26113 S #26113 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26128 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26114 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26112 S #26114 {DS{wo{Wuthern Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26113 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26129 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26115 S #26115 {DW{wo{Woden Galle{wr{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DLan{wterns are u{Wsed to illuminate this long wooden passage{wway. The {Dlight{x {Dreve{wals the sma{Wll windows in the walls, allowing missles to {wbe fired {Dwhen{x {Dunde{wr siege or {Wthe activities of the castle to be monitore{wd. A gate {Dhouse{x {Dis lo{wcated to th{We west, while a tower lies to the east.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26114 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26116 S #26116 {DG{wa{Wte Hou{ws{De {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe {wgate house {Wsits over the main entrance to the fortress {wallowing {Dthe{x {Dguard{ws to monito{Wr the activities below. The walls are pierced {wwith arr{Dow{x {Dslits {wto defend {Wagainst invaders. The ancient stones of the fo{wrtress h{Dave {x {Dbegun {wto deterior{Wate and pieces have fallen off, littering th{we floor.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26115 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26117 S #26117 {DW{wo{Woden Galle{wr{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThi{ws is a lon{Wg passageway connecting the gate house to the {weast to a {Dtower{x {Dto t{whe west. L{Wanterns, illuminating the corridor, reveal slits {win the wo{Doden{x {Dwall{ws for firi{Wng missles during a battle or for monitoring the {wactivitie{Ds of{x {Dof th{we fortress. {WThe aged wood has begun to splinter and is {win disrepa{Dir.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26116 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26118 S #26118 {DSo{wut{Whwest T{wow{Der {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DCre{wnelated ba{Wttlement encircles the tower, except where {wthe wall {Dwalk{x {Dinte{wrrupts the {Wwall to the north and east. The landscape ca{wn be scan{Dned{x {Dfrom {wthis vant{Wage point overlooking the citadel moat. Most {wof the tr{Dees,{x {Donce {wcleared by {Wthe previous occupants, have grown back ov{wer the ye{Dars.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26119 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26117 S #26119 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DA c{wrenelated {Wbattlement, standing along the outer edge, pro{wtects the {Dwall{x {Dwalk{w. Beyond t{Whe fortification, the landscape, mostly trees, c{wan be obse{Drved{x {Dfrom {wthis poin{Wt. The activities in the outer bailey can also {wbe monitor{Ded. A{x {Dstone {wstaircase {Wleads down.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26120 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26118 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26111 S #26120 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ Vines have scaled the outer curtain and entangled themselves around the merlons of the battlement. The wall walk is lined with cracked with a few stone missing, leaving holes in the path. The terrain to the west slopes down, beyond the moat where the vegetation has overcome the ruins where a city once laid. ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26121 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26119 S #26121 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ Vines have crawled up the outer curtain and entangled themselves around the merlons of the battlement. They have overrun the wall and entered the wall walk. Lengths of the vegetation lie on the allure, trimmed back to make passage easier. Beyond the walls, the terrain slopes down to a town of ruins overcome by the undergrowth. ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26122 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26120 S #26122 {DN{wo{Wrthwest Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ This tower in the northwest corner has been overcome by long tendrils of vegetation. The loose stones of the battlement have fallen off as time has taken its toll on the citadel. From this vantage point, the terrain to the north and west can be observed. To the north, the landscape abruptly rises to higher grounds in the mountain, while to the west, beyond the moat, the land descends to the ruins of an old city. ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26123 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26121 S #26123 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ The battlement is veined with fissures and stone are missing beneath the vines which have overcome this area. The long green tendrils have breeched the outer curtain and entangled themselves around the merlons before encountering the vegetation growing from within. A small forest separates the citadel from a mountain rising to the north. ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26125 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26122 S #26124 ~ ~ 0 0 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26123 S #26125 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26126 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26123 S #26126 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26179 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26127 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26125 S #26127 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26126 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26128 S #26128 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26127 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26113 S #26129 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26130 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26114 S #26130 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26131 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26129 S #26131 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26132 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26130 S #26132 {DS{wo{Wutheast Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26133 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26131 S #26133 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26134 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26132 S #26134 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26135 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26133 S #26135 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26136 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26134 S #26136 {DN{wo{Wrtheast Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26137 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26135 S #26137 {DN{wo{Wrtheastern Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26136 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26138 S #26138 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26137 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26139 S #26139 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26138 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26178 S #26140 {DK{we{Wep Walkw{wa{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe{w pathway i{Ws crowded by the vegetation growing along the {wedges. T{Do the{x {Deast, {wvines cr{Wawl up the inner curtain, climbing to the wall w{walk. Tend{Drils{x {Dof g{wreenery c{Wlutch onto the rocks of a high keep to the west. {wThe light{Ds of{x {Dthe t{wower can {Wbe see flickering through the pointed arch wind{wows and b{Darely{x {Dthroug{wh the arr{Wow slits in the walls.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26141 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26171 S #26141 {DK{we{Wep Walkw{wa{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DA g{warden, onc{We flourished with spices, grows between the k{weep pathwa{Dy and{x {Dthe {whigh wall {Wto the north. Now the patch is filled with vin{wes crawlin{Dg up{x {Dthe {wfortificat{Wion, clinging to the stones. The long tendrils {wof vegeta{Dtion,{x {Dsome {wtrampled b{Wy foot traffic, also grows from the crevices {win the wal{Dkway.{x {DA stai{wrway leads {Wup to the west to the main entrance of a k{weep.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26140 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26165 S #26142 {DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe{w flames of {Wthe torches, mounted on the walls, dance {was gusts o{Df wind{x {Dblow {wthrough th{We doorway or through windows with open or m{wissing shu{Dtters{x {DThe {wlight reve{Wals a rusted staircase, entangled in vines, s{wpiraling u{Dp to{x {Dthe {wsecond flo{Wor. Rusted hinges precariously cling to a jam{wb of a doo{Drway{x {Dlead{wing to a ro{Wom to the south. The wooden door had been {wdestroyed, {Dused{x {Das fi{wrewood. The {Wmain entryway to the east, leads out to {wthe outer {Dbailey{x {Dof the {wcitadel.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ door~ 1 0 26165 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26144 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26143 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26146 S #26143 {DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DTor{wches, moun{Wted on the walls, shine down a stairway leadi{wng to a du{Dngeon.{x {DA wo{woden door, {Wwhich once blocked the entryway, has been dest{wroyed and {Dused {x {Dfor {wfirewood. {WThe loose rusted hinges still cling to the ston{we frame of {Dthe {x {Dbase{wment entry. {W Vines, beginning to proliferate, have enter{wed the cor{Dridor{x {Dthrou{wgh cracks {Win the walls.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26142 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26158 S #26144 {DG{wu{Ward Barrac{wk{Ds {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThe{w old, worn{W floors, splintering and rutting slowly, crea{wks as weig{Dht is{x {Dappli{wed to it. {W The torches on the walls flicker, threatening {wto go out{w, as{x {Dgust{ws of wind {Wenter the open windows where the shutters have {wbeen destr{Doyed{x {Dand u{wsed for fi{Wrewood. Wooden beds lining the walls have al{wso been re{Dmoved{x {Dand bu{wrned as fu{Wel.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26142 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26145 S #26145 {DC{wa{Wptain's Quarte{wr{Ds {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThi{ws room has {Wbeen stripped bare of all its wooden objects {wexcept th{De old{x {Dcrea{wky floor. T{Worches illuminate the room stained with blood a{wnd invade{Dd by{x {Dthe {wlong tendr{Wils of vines. Gusts of wind enter the quarters {wthrough o{Dpen{x {Dwind{wows with mi{Wssing or destroyed shutters. The rusty hinges {wof the mi{Dssing{x {Ddoor {wstill hangs{W on the frame of the doorway.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26144 S #26146 {DD{wi{Wning Ha{wl{Dl {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DTor{wches, mount{Wed on the walls, reveal a hall void of anyt{whing usefu{Dl. The{x {Dlong {wdining tab{Wles and benches are reduced to splinters and {wlie scatte{Dred on{x {Dthe {wold wooden {Wfloor. Shadows dance as the flickering flames w{waver, bl{Down by{x {Dthe {wwind enteri{Wng through the windows with their shutters l{weft open. {DSpiral {x {Dstair{wcases lead {Wup and down the keep.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26149 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26150 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26142 S #26147 {DS{wt{Worage Ro{wo{Dm {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThe supplies {wwhich once filled th{Wis room has b{ween removed and {Ddiscarded{x {Dby the undead {warmy. The old shelve{Ws have been des{wtroyed and the s{Dplinters {x {Dlie on the flo{wor along with traces {Wof flour and a {wfew grains. Th{De wooden{x {Ddoor which sepa{wrated the storage fr{Wom the sculle{wry has been remo{Dved.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26148 S #26148 {DS{wc{Wulle{wr{Dy {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DMost of {wthe items in th{Wis room have been removed or des{wtroyed. A {Dheavy{x {Dstone sin{wk, once used to {Wwash utensils, is the only item s{wtill remai{Dning.{x {DA small {warea of the cre{Waky wooden floor has decayed, rotte{wd by the w{Dater{x {Dspilt dur{wing washing. Sp{Wikes still remain in the walls wh{were a teth{Dering {x {Dline once {wstretched acros{Ws the room to hang poultry.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26147 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26149 S #26149 {DK{wi{Wtch{we{Dn {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DA wood b{wurning hearth, {Wonce filled with dancing flames co{woking an a{Dnimal{x {Don a spit{w, sits cold and {Wunused. Other smaller fireplaces, t{wheir black{Dened{x {Dcauldron{ws missing, piec{Wes of unburnt wood buried in a mound {wof ashes, {Dhave{x {Dalso gone {wwithout being {Wused for a while. A few burn marks {wscar the c{Dreaky{x {Dwooden flo{wor where embers {Whave escaped the fireplaces.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26146 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26148 S #26150 {DT{wh{Wird Flo{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThe {wtorches, m{Wounted on the walls, flicker and the shado{wws dance t{Do the{x {Drhyth{wm of the f{Wlames. The stones of the keep are cracking s{wlowly over {Dtime.{x {DSpli{wnters from {Wthe worn wooden floor are scattered along th{we corridor. {DThe{x {Dhallw{way continu{Wes west, while a doorless chamber lies to t{whe south, {Dand a{x {Dspiral {wstaircase {Wleads down to the dining hall.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26151 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26153 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26146 S #26151 {DT{wh{Wird Flo{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DOnc{we the servants {Wquarters, everthing has been removed exc{wept the to{Drches{x {Dmoun{wted on the wall{Ws. The flames dance as an occasional wind {wenters thr{Dough{x {Dthe {wwindows with t{Wheir shutters left open. Shadows become ani{wmated, kee{Dping{x {Drhyt{whm with the fir{We, moving wildly on the walls. The old, {wwooden flo{Dor is {x {Dcreak{wy and has begun {Wto splinter.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26150 S #26152 {DQu{war{Wters of the King's Gu{war{Dds {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DOpe{wn shutters {Wallow the wind to enter the chamber and make {wan attem{Dpt to{x {Ddous{we the torch{Wes. The light reveals an almost empty room whe{wre beds {Donce{x {Dline{wd the room{W and weapons racks were mounted on the walls. Th{we old wo{Doden{x {Dfloor {whas begun {Wto get worn causing splinters protrude from t{whe board{Ds. {x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26153 S #26153 {DT{wh{Wird Flo{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DTor{wches, moun{Wted on the walls, reveal a rusted spiral stair{wcase leadi{Dng up{x {Dto t{whe fourth {Wfloor. The corroded support brackets have pulled {waway from {Dthe {x {Dwal{wl, causing {Wthe steps to become shaky. Veins of cracks appea{wr on the w{Dalls{x {Dwith {wstone chip{Ws littering the old creaky floor. A chamber wi{wth no doo{wr lies {x {Dto th{we south.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26150 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26152 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26154 S #26154 {DF{wo{Wurth Flo{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DA single torch {wflickers above the rust{Wed, old spiral staircase leading{x {Ddown. Vines hav{we entangled themselves {Waround the metal rails which have{x {Dpulled away fro{wm the walls. Veins of c{Wracks appear on the stones and the {Dsmall pieces h{wave rained onto the flo{Wor. The corridor continues south.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26155 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26153 S #26155 {DDa{wrk {WCorr{wid{Dor {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26154 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26156 S #26156 {DS{wt{Weel::Do{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26157 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26155 S #26157 {DT{wh{Wrone Ro{wo{Dm {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26156 S #26158 {DD{wu{Wngeon Corrid{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThe {wtorches, mo{Wunted on the walls, flicker slowly and the {wsmoke ris{Des to{x {Dthe a{wrched ceili{Wng, slowly dissipating. The light reveals a c{worridor f{Dilled{x {Dwith {wcracks and {Wbroken stones which have rained on the floor. {wVines i{Dnvade{x {Dthrou{wgh the fiss{Wures, slowly entering the hallway. a stone s{wtaircase {Dclimbs{x {Dup to {wthe first f{Wloor.{x ~ 0 0 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26162 D4 ~ ~ 0 0 26143 S #26159 {DD{wu{Wnge{wo{Dn {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DTor{wturing dev{Wices sit in the flickering light of the {wwall torch{Des. A{x {Dtort{wure rack, {Wchairs, and other apparatuses have been le{wft in this {Droom{x {Dto b{we used on {Wthe enemies of the undead. A steel gibbet {wcage hang{Ds by a{x {Dchain {wfrom the {Wceiling in one section of the chamber.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26160 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26161 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26162 S #26160 {DD{wu{Wngeon Ce{wl{Dl {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DA few pa{wirs of manacle{Ws still hang from the walls, bu{wt holes re{Dmain where{x {Dthe other{ws have been re{Wmoved. Vines have invaded the ce{wll through {Dthe many{x {Dveins of {wcracks appeari{Wng on the interior made of stone {wblocks. T{Dhe floor,{x {Dalso line{wd with fissures{W, is covered with straw. To th{we south, a {Drusted old{x {Ddoor has b{ween left open.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26159 S #26161 {DD{wu{Wngeon Ce{wl{Dl {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DPairs of {wmanacles dangle{W from the cracked wall{ws filled with h{Doles where{x {Dother rest{wraints were once {Wmounted. Vines have e{wntered the cell {Dfrom the{x {Dmany fiss{wures veining the {Wcramp and dank chamber. {wStraw covers {Dthe stone{x {Dfloor infe{wsted with tendril{Ws of vegetation. A ru{wsted metal doo{Dr has been{x {Dleft open a{wnd leads out to a {Wtorture chamber to {wthe west.{x ~ 0 0 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26159 S #26162 {DD{wu{Wngeon Corrid{wo{Dr {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DA solita{wry torch is mou{Wnted on the west wall wh{wile others are {Dmounted on{x {Dthe north {wand south wall{Ws. Doorless entry ways lea{wd north to a du{Dngeon and{x {Dsouth to {wan old storage {Wroom. Vines, entering the {wbasement throu{Dgh cracks{x {Din the pa{wvement, crowd t{Whe doorways. The shadows {wmove to the rhy{Dthm of the{x {Dflickering {wflames, animat{Wed by a slight breeze.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26159 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26158 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26163 S #26163 {DS{wt{Worage Ro{wo{Dm {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThe{w storage h{Was been cleared of all its contents and is {wpracticall{Dy bare.{x {DIn a {wcorner li{We the gray ashes of the double doors to this {wchamber us{Ded as{x {Dfire{wwood alon{Wg with the wooden shelves which once lined the {wwalls. Tor{Dches{x {Dhave {wbeen moun{Wted on the walls to illuminate this room expo{wsing the c{Dracks{x {Dwhich {wvein the {Wwalls. A few vines have managed to invade, {wentering t{Dhrough{x {Dthe fis{wsures.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26162 S #26164 {DEn{wtr{Wance to Inner Ba{wil{Dey {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe {wlarge twin {Wgates, which once stood in this archway, have {wbeen dest{Droyed{x {Dand u{wsed as fire{Wwood. One of the heavy hinges, corroded with rus{wt, hangs {Dfrom{x {Dthe {wframe of th{We gateway. Vines have entered through the cracks {win the gr{Dound{x {Dand c{wrept its wa{Wy up the walls, clinging to the stones. To th{we east lie{Ds the{x {Dinner {wbailey and {Wthe outer bailey is to the west.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26166 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26112 S #26165 {DS{wt{Wairw{wa{Dy {C[{DN{we{Wr'zgul's Ke{we{Dp{C]{x~ {DThi{ws is the e{Wntrance to a stone keep, towering high ab{wove. Vine{Ds have{x {Dtake{wn a hold o{Wf the tall structure and have entwined them{wselves aro{Dund it.{x {DThe {wlong thic{Wk tendrils have been chopped away from the en{wtryway to {Dallow{x {Dpassa{wge. Ston{Wes from the staircase, entangled in the gre{wen rope, {Dleading{x{w {Ddown t{wo the eas{Wt, have slowly disappeared over the years{w.{x ~ 0 0 0 D3 ~ ~ 1 0 26142 D5 ~ ~ 0 0 26141 S #26166 {DI{wn{Wner Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe{w inner war{Wd has been invaded by vegetation entering th{we fortific{Dation{x {Dthrou{wgh breach{Wes in the upheaved ground. Long green tendril{ws climb up {Dthe{x {Dinne{wr curtain, {Wclinging to the cracking rocks of the walls. {w A stable, {Dits{x {Dstruc{wture about {Wto collapse, stands to the north. The outer {wbailey li{Des to{x {Dthe we{wst.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26170 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26167 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26164 S #26167 {DI{wn{Wner Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ Buildings, about to collapse, stand to the east and northwest. The ground of the inner ward is littered with stones from these structures covered with long, green tendrils of vegetation. The floor is uneven from vines upheaving upheaving the hard dirt. The climbing plants also cling to the inner curtain rising to the north. ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26169 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26168 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26166 S #26168 {DG{wu{Ward Barrac{wk{Ds {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ The wall mounted torches flicker, threatening to go out, as the wind blows through the barracks. Wood splinters from the destroyed door and shutters lie scattered across the room. All the furnishings have been removed and discarded or used as fuel. Vines have entered through the fissures in the stone floor and partially fills the structure which is starting to collapse. ~ 0 0 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26167 S #26169 {DI{wn{Wner Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26171 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26167 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26170 S #26170 {DS{wt{Wabl{we{Ds {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe thic{wk posts support{Wing the roof has been le{wft intact, but {Dthe wooden{x {Dplanks wh{wich formed the {Wstalls have been destroyed{w. The bales of{D hay have{x {Dbeen rem{woved and only s{Wome scattered straws remain{w. Old rusty hoo{Dks, which{x {Dequipment {whung from, sti{Wll remain mounted on the {wwalls. Doors t{Do the east{x {Dand south {wlead out to the {Winner bailey.{x ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26169 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26166 S #26171 {DI{wn{Wner Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26140 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26169 S #26172 {DO{wu{Wter Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26175 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26173 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26110 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26174 S #26173 {DG{wr{Weat Ha{wl{Dl {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DThe{w flames of {Wthe torches, mounted on the walls, dance as {wthe wind e{Dnters{x {Dthe l{warge hall {Wthrough the open windows. The long dining tabl{wes and ben{Dches,{x {Dwhic{wh once fil{Wled the center of the floor, have been destroyed {wand burnt {Das{x {Dfire{wwood. A f{Wireplace, a few stones missing, filled with piec{wes of char{Dred{x {Dwood {whalf-burie{Wd in the ashes, stands against the east wall. {wColored s{Dhreds{x {Dof clo{wth, remnan{Wts of a castle banner, lie scattered around {wthe room.{x ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26176 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26172 S #26174 {DO{wu{Wter Bail{we{Dy {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 0 26177 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26172 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26111 S #26175 {DS{we{Wrvant's Quarte{wr{Ds {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ All the wooden furnitures have been stripped from this chamber and used as firewood. Doors no longer stand in the arched doorways and rusty hinges hang on the window frames where shutters once kept the cold wind out. The flames of the wall mounted torches illuminate this practically empty quarters where a fireplace is built into the north wall. ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26176 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26172 S #26176 {DK{wi{Wtch{we{Dn {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ Vines, penetrating the tiled floor, have entangled themselves around stone hearth built along the east wall. The pit, once roasted meat on a spit, sits cold, filled with ashes and half-burnt pieces of wood. A cracked sink with a portion of it missing and covered with a mesh of green tendrils, is set near the western door. All wooden items have been removed and used as firewood. ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26173 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26175 S #26177 {DC{wh{Wap{we{Dl {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ {DA l{warge stone {Wcross, entangled in a mesh of vines, still {wremains mo{Dunted{x {Don t{whe northern {Wwall. An attempt by the undead minions to re{wmove it ca{Dused{x {Dthe{wm to get bu{Wrned by it so, it was left alone. A stone alta{wr, lined w{Dith{x {Dcrac{wks, also s{Wtands here in the clutches of the tendrils of {wthe vegeta{Dtion. {x {DThe p{wews have b{Ween destroyed and used for firewood. A rop{we hangs fro{Dm the{x {Dbelfry {win the so{Wuthern section of the chapel.{x ~ 0 0 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26174 S #26178 {DW{wa{Wll Wa{wl{Dk {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26139 D3 ~ ~ 0 0 26179 S #26179 {DN{wo{Wrthern Tow{we{Dr {C[{DNo{wrt{Whern Fort{wre{Dss{C]{x~ ~ 0 0 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 0 26178 D2 ~ ~ 0 0 26126 S #0 #SPECIALS S #RESETS D 0 26142 1 1 D 0 26165 3 1 S #SHOPS 0 #$