Changes on Ansalon MUD!

Changes made to Ansalon during 2024.

Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Jan 2 20:12:44 2024 Subject AUTOMAP Um, it's neater :) I put in Unicode symbols and changed coloring so it's easier to navigate (imo). Lmk if you run into issues (might make a toggle) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Wed Jan 3 21:10:51 2024 Subject VISUAL IMPAIRED Players For our visually impaired players, ACC OFF (or on), it toggles I've gone through and stripped out the ASCII lines that must have been fun as hell to readdd... minus equals minus equals minus equals . If you have Unicode support, they're lines now. If you don't, they're dash/etc lines, if you have READER mode on, they're nada. Please let us know where you see more (There are tons). And... RUNNING home :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Jan 5 20:11:45 2024 Subject Background stuff A ton of 'ascii' art in the game, I've gone through and checked so that if people have screen readers it should strip it all out. (Minus 'in person maps'). Also, the game will ask if the player is using a screen reader while they're creating and NOT spam the living F out of them with Ascii art. Many visual changes to wholist, omni, score etc as well. - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Jan 6 01:08:23 2024 Subject New quest item There's a new level 5 to use quest item out there, only a measly 200 qp, too! You'll find it helps reinvigorate your legs, and makes them a bit faster, too! Thanks for whomever had that idea. Grumpy Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Jan 8 19:06:20 2024 Subject MOON phases Hey, I put BACK in the moon level adjustment for phases. It was +/-5 at max, and lower for non. I adjusted per cannon (see code for link) so +/-1 for just each moon, then +/-2 if both are up. Ps. Was going to make the 'days' right for the moons, and.. you did already lol :) - Ziv & Co. Goes in next C/O. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Jan 8 20:24:17 2024 Subject AFFECTS (& score) We went and color coded the messages on AFFects so that it's easier to read. As well as put in 'sentence structure' for our visually impaired players/imms. (ps. Also line length shorter for mobile players on aff) There are a few other behind the scenes things (cough WC) Thanks! - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Wed Jan 10 12:52:47 2024 Subject Defensive toggles The toggles to disable parry, dodge, shield block, and counter (for training/spamming skills, or I guess if you want to give your opponent a boon) are now completely functional again. Also, as a reminder, with the order of defense now random (it doesn't always check parry, then dodge, then shield block, then phase), it means you are more likely to take some damage to your shield. If you see (dinged) or (dented) or similar in front of equipment worn or carried, it means the item needs to be repaired. Most armors can repair an item by using the "repair" command. Reorx Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Jan 12 19:27:24 2024 Subject BUILDERS OLC Loads of 'clicks/looks/etc' in building changes. Builders LMK if you want other things 'clickable'. It's a long process but I'd like to point and click... in a text game :P - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Jan 12 23:53:06 2024 Subject One more sense fully completed Along with blindness, we now have deafness. Deafness can be caused by the spell (added to the same group as blindness) as well as a side effect of objects and other spells, such as fireball, call lightning, chain lightning, thunderstorm, and, of course, thunderclap. Along with deafness, there's 'cure deafness' as well, that even the palace healer can cast. But what does deafness do? Well deaf people are worse at defending themselves against some attacks, worse at detecting danger, worse at being aware of their surroundings, and also worse at spellcasting. After all, you can't hear yourself speak at all, so those complex sounds made during spellcasting might be problematic. But, deafness does help with concentration, so some of the longer duration tasks get a beneficial "bump" to them, as not being able to hear allows better focus on the task at hand. In addition to the combat/skill part of deafness comes the IC/RP part. You'll see mouths move, but nothing heard. Some of the deafness penalties didn't have a blind penalty for some reason, so the blind penalty has also been added (sometimes back). And for some of those, the blindness penalty is quite large. FYI, I wouldn't try to explore around blind and deaf. Not good. Also, there is one more feature added: telescopes. Telescopes permit you to view into a distant room. You only see what's in that room, (almost like being deaf) so you can't eavesdrop that way. But, think about exploring new areas with a decent quality spyglass. Scan doesn't show anything in the room to the west, but maybe you should "gaze west 1" with your spyglass to see if there is something you can't initially see. Anyway, I'm sure there's a hidden issue here or there with the new stuff added, so please feel free to let us know. I've at least got all of the crash-causing issues solved. (No, that's not a challenge.) Reorx Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Jan 13 22:33:28 2024 Subject Adding Deafness and Cure Deafness Deafness has been added to the following spell groups: Impairment (Battlemages) Infliction (Templars) Maladictions (cleric, mage) All creation point costs went up by 1. Cure deafness has been added to the following spell groups: Extrication (paladin) Curative (cleric, templar) All creation point costs went up by 1. So, for existing characters with these spell groups, you can gain the spell group the following way: for each spell to be added, you will need to show us that you have the group, and pay 1 gain point and 1 quest note. 101s, double that payment. So, find an imp, show us you have a gain point in your file (not a gain coupon, I want to see the point when I do "stat"), hand us a qnote, and let us "fill it in" for you. Of course, 101s, that's 2 gain points and 2 qnotes, except for certain special ones of you, in which case, the cost will be determined at that time. This will be available next copyover for us to do, so you have a little time to buy the gain coupons (or level) and qnotes. Questions? Let me know. Complaints? Let Zivi know. Grumpy Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sun Jan 14 20:21:59 2024 Subject New Monk Skill New Monk skill: headclap Damage similar to bash, has high probably of giving deafness to victim, Enjoy! Slightly less Grumpy Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Mon Jan 15 21:07:39 2024 Subject Two Toggles and a new Roster Two new toggle options: "toggle autoaccept" to ON will have it where other characters can freely give you items. "toggle autoaccept" to OFF means you will not accept items given to you by non-immortal PCs. "toggle healerspellup" is for those of you under level 15, if you don't want the pit healer to heal you. Toggle to "ON" to accept and to "OFF" to refuse. Those of you in clans, the "roster" command now includes a bit more information. Grumpy McGrumpyface Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Jan 18 18:11:59 2024 Subject Loads of little stuff Loads of behind the scenes cleanup from me. Reorx changed the chance for blind/deafness to prevent casting to LESS (nicer to castor) - Ziv, Reo & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Jan 25 19:24:26 2024 Subject CHARMIE KILLER FLAGS Should be fixed now, no more NOPK's getting killer, or you getting KILLER from brawling an un-charmed charmie with a spell etc. - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Jan 26 15:45:08 2024 Subject CHARM (and how it looks) Your charmies now are no longer showing up as just (Charmed)... Perm charm (pets) shows one color, the rest are color coded depending on how much time they have left. Something like this... (Charmed) A citizen of Palanthas walks by on the way to the store. (Charmed) A stray dog whines and looks at you pathetically. (Charmed) A young cadet is here learning the ropes of the Palanthian guard. (Charmed) a citizen of Palanthas is sleeping here. (Charmed) a young cadet is sleeping here. (Charmed) a stout gully mercenary is sleeping here. (Charmed) a curious kender is sleeping here. You'll see this, people in your group will, or people with True Sight also. - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sun Jan 28 20:41:03 2024 Subject New skills coming OK, first, they aren't in yet. But, the helps are. Ranger: Ambush, Ranged Critical Strike Warrior: Batter, Hamstring, Fifth Attack, Fitness, Weapon Mastery Paladin: Atonement Thief: Cripple Monk: Headclap (added before, but will be tweaked). Skills coming (that aren't in help) are: Cleric: Sanctify, Sacramant Paladin: Summon Mount Other changes coming: Monks will have the ability to parry without a weapon, provided they have wrist equipment on. But that equipment will take a beating, you know. In fact, just assume a lot of equipment will be taking a beating with these new, special attacks. One might assume that a crippling attack might be targeted toward the legs. And a hamstring attack toward the feet. (In other words, if you don't know where you can repair equipment, I'd research that. Soon.) Sir Grumpsalot P.S. Fixed a scribe issue that's been around for a bit. Sorry. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Jan 30 18:27:28 2024 Subject QUICKSTART CHARACTERS QuickStart Characters! The idea with QUICKSTART is that you're new to ANSALONMUD, maybe even new to MUDs in general, and want to try out the game... FAST. When you go to make a new character you can make: a character SIMILAR to: Raistlin Human (Mage) Tanis: Half-Elf (Ranger) Sturm: Solamnic (Warrior) Dalamar Dark Elf (Mage) Kitiara Dragonarmy (Warrior) Kagonos Kagonesti Wildrunner (Ranger) Bupu Gully Dwarf (Thief) Goldmoon Cleric of Mishakal (Cleric) Flint Hill Dwarf (Warrior) Tasslehoff Kender Borrower (Thief) Riverwind Plainsman (Ranger) Huma Human (Paladin) Kaz Minotaur (Warrior) Elistan Cleric of Paladine (Cleric) And the old standard... Custom (default OR pick everything) Share with your non-Mudding friends! :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Wed Jan 31 17:15:52 2024 Subject Skills are in Ok, new skills: Paladins: atonement, summon mount Thieves: cripple Warriors: batter, hamstring, fifth attack, fitness, weapon mastery Monks: headclap (redone a bit) Rangers: ambush, ranged critical strike Clerics: sacrament This is Phase 1. More coming for Paladins, Clerics, Rangers, Templars. And there will be some "can't learn at creation" stuff coming, as soon as Zivi and I agree--boy, does he want some OP stuff! Grumpy McGrumpyface (Oh, and Thieves are getting one more, too. I don't want to go edit to add that above.) Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Feb 3 23:18:55 2024 Subject New Cleric Skill (Phase 1.1?) New cleric skill: sanctify Will bless a room and improve healing for people in the room that align well with the caster. Has some requirements, too. Help file is missing, but I'll add it soon. Dwarfy McDwarfFace Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sun Feb 4 02:31:29 2024 Subject Sanctify help It's in. Stop bothering me. Sir-Grumps-A-Lot Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Thu Feb 15 23:27:51 2024 Subject New skills (Phase 2 started) OK, first off, Templars were left out of the last set of skill improvements, so they got their love this time. Three new templar unique skills: baneful strike, divine shield, and malign. In addition, all ten (10) synergy skills are in. Each class gets access for only four (4) synergy skills. See "help synergy" for how it works. The synergy skills are: battle tactics, cover action, distracting barrage, feigning attack, harmonic movements, holy aura, inscrutable cloaking, ranged encounter, shield wall, and spell bloom. Each have their own help files that tell you when they kick in (as they are all passive skills). Oh, and now there's another new toggle for you, too. "colortoggle" allows you to color-code some of the events in combat; please note that spell saves and spell fails are not fully in, because that's going to take a lot of time to edit every single spell, and I didn't want to hold this installation up for those. Reorx (the grumpy one) Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Feb 16 08:42:19 2024 Subject Axes Oh, I also moved the starting level of axes around for several classes, including those classes that normally can't get it (like clerics) but do get it due to racial bonus (like some dwarves). If you are aware of racial bonus skills that grant them for classes that normally don't get the skill, and the skill level is way high, please let me know. Berserk is also a racial bonus skill for some dwarves that I still need to "relocate," but there may be others I am not aware of. Kindly note "immortal" and I'd appreciate it. 0x52 0x65 0x6F 0x72 0x78 Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Feb 17 15:47:12 2024 Subject Skill level changes OK, I've gone in and tweaked a few things when it comes to what levels certain skills are gained. There were some issues with dwarves and berserk, and elves and bow. Basically, for a racial skill, they were coming in really out-of-spec. Both of these have been adjusted for those classes that typically don't get the skill. Next is shield block for clerics and templars, which was way, WAY out of spec. The change was lowered DRASTICALLY for both of these semi-melee casters that typically are fully armored. (Level 42? Really? Who came up with that!) Next, some battlemage skills were brought much MUCH better in line. Namely parry and dodge, with third attack tweaked slightly. Actually, dodge got the level tweaked for every class other than thief and monk. And actually, parry got the level tweaked for a lot of classes, too. There will be some spell rebalancing come later. ._. . ___ ._. _.._ Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Sat Feb 17 18:02:50 2024 Subject GROUP Grouping now shows you EXP bonus for PC's in the group as you add players (or type GROUP to see current) Also, as PC levels are now part of WHO, they also show in GROUP. - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Thu Feb 22 18:38:20 2024 Subject A Phase 1 straggler and some found skills OK, first, Paladin got their last remaining missing skill, ardent strike. Next, there are several new skills that you can only find. Help "found skill" for information. What are the skills? How should I know? Find them! xroeR Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Feb 23 17:07:45 2024 Subject Found skills Five (5) found skills are fully in. One must find the skill, you can't add them in character creation. These skills are FREE skills: you don't need to have trains or gains to gain them. Two can be found within a major city. Two are found a short distance away from a major city. One requires a bit of travel. Four are triggered by commands (three by the same command!), and three are passive. Yes, that's more than five. You'll figure it out. All have help file entries. These were fun, but now on the Phase 3. (Oh, all are given by programs, so look for interaction where there may not have been interaction before!) His name is Reo and he dances on the sand! Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Mar 14 16:52:41 2024 Subject PLANT (on non-autoaccept) PLANT now doesn't work on people that won't accept things. - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Mar 15 12:34:19 2024 Subject New Found Skill A new found skill has been added to the game. This skill is NOT free; you will need four (4) gains or trains to successfully learn it. More details will follow. Reorx Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Mar 23 23:56:43 2024 Subject A mix of items First, in addition to scroll, there's now width, which lets you set the page "width" in characters for the room description with the automap on. It doesn't work on the non-map descriptions yet (there's no forced reformat currently done, so I'll have to add it). Also, there are a few minor typos and other corrections, but it will now be a lot easier to drag flying people (incapacitated) as their weight is greatly less. So, flying lets you get passed any trip attempt, but now you can get dragged around a lot easier. I think there's something else small, can't remember. R Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Tue Apr 2 23:15:54 2024 Subject Updates OK, two new templar skills: anoint and glorify One new found skill. I'll go ahead at tell you the name: "direction sense". It does cost 4 gp, FYI. R Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Tue Apr 2 23:24:47 2024 Subject New Imm Command "queststat " R Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Apr 5 18:20:24 2024 Subject BATTLEPROMPT BATTLEPROMPT just got better. For those clients that support it (mushclient/mudlet/mudportal) it has Unicode squares for health bars like our Maps do now. Also, it now shows your ENEMY's Bars :) And, I'm back :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat May 11 23:31:41 2024 Subject Changing quests should be fixed I managed to catch it when someone's quest changed (quest master said one thing, but the "quest info" said something else. I figured out that it was related to a failed/declined "find the object" quest and the next one being a "kill the convict" quest. Seems when it tells you what quest you have with "quest info," it checks "object" first and shows that if there's one. But when you failed/declined a quest, it didn't erase the old "object quest" info. Regardless, it should be fixed now. R Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu May 30 18:06:57 2024 Subject RANDOM(s) The random food, dice, drinks etc will now get a timer if dropped (and removed if picked up), simply keeping the place clean. - Ziv & Co. (trashman :P) Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu May 30 18:07:45 2024 Subject TALLY Tally command is now better (and accurate). TALLY to take a look. - Dave. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Jun 13 12:42:34 2024 Subject CLONE (with extra descs) Redit/clone now correctly duplicates extra descs (was pointing to old rooms descs, nasty lol). Now it cycles through and creates a duplicate in the cloned room etc. lol - Dave Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Jun 13 20:59:55 2024 Subject GNOMESPEAK (and screen readers) When Gnomes talk FAST now.. they go to Title case so that people on screen readers can understand still. Test it out (haste & fighting excite gnomes :P) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Jul 1 20:27:35 2024 Subject Rot timers on food etc Some items were still 'rotting' when picked up (We did that to clean up, you drop generated food/dice/figurines etc, they rot, pick them up the rot timer goes away). And.. I'd missed a couple, they're now in. Dice and food items will 'stop rot' when picked up now :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Wed Jul 3 19:19:35 2024 Subject QUEST objects You'll notice now, it's WAAAAY easier to see your target quest items when you stumble upon them. Also, it 'ding ding' lets you know when you GET your quest target items and tells you to go back and turn it in (to the right Quest master etc). [TARGET] The shiny disk of 3.5 DOS lies here humming. Enjoy! - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Jul 11 18:03:58 2024 Subject JUST clerical A couple small details. Quests were showing EXP gains when EXP was toggled off (fixed). Pets rescuing people, on fails... failed to rescue you. Now it's 'Your pet/charmie failed to rescue you. - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Jul 16 18:18:38 2024 Subject RED QUARTER!! A small area has been added to Neraka. Long lost gem of Sakwar & Talvidas, with additions by Skol. For the little ones :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Jul 22 18:53:47 2024 Subject Dragonarmy Camp! New area The White dragonarmy camp is now in Neraka (go through the inn). This area is a lowbie area, similar to central Palanthas for difficulty. Some good new lowbie EQ (not insane). Hack/Slash :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Jul 22 19:15:07 2024 Subject EXPLORE EXPLORE command now has two more options: EXPLORE COST - Let's you know cost in QP to remove Fog of War in that area. EXPLORE HERE - Explores that area for the QP cost. Plan is, to bring in QI 'Travellers Maps' (ie Brim/Kaelay etc) Those will reduce QP costs to explore. Enjoy! - Ziv & Co. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Thu Aug 8 17:49:17 2024 Subject Room flag NO_PUSH and exit flag NO_RANGED Based on Chemosh's recommendation, these flags will go in next copyover. R Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Mon Aug 12 23:38:53 2024 Subject A bunch of minor changes, tweaks, updates, etc. OK, there have been a few minor things, probably should let people know. First, "heat metal" attack spell now works on... metal equipment. Not leather, not cloth. Second, the private channel, typing "private @" shows who currently online is ON that channel. (No more guessing.) Third, emptying a drinking container that is poisoned will clear the flag. Also, pouring a poisoned liquid from one container to another will also transfer that poison flag. Fourth, the level for gaining quarterstaff has been unified. Pretty much everyone gets it at 5. (Monk gets it at level 1.) Fifth, "heel" now shows info in the room (this was done some time ago, not sure if I reported it. Sixth, the "info" for spell/skill groups will tell you the real name of the group. "info a" used to say "The "a" group includes...." and not tell you what it decoded "a" to. Seventh, a new room and exit flag was put in, so just an FYI. Eighth, wildshape is 95% complete and in. I had to change some fundamental "show" stuff, so if something looks wrong, please let me know. R P.S. Druids are coming in nicely. P.P.S. Oh, I tweaked blackjack. P.P.P.S. Yes, I know I forgot about "fill" for poisoned... let's hope we don't have poisoned fountains, ok? Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Aug 16 23:15:25 2024 Subject Synergy Skills I have tweaked synergy skills up one full level for both the chance of triggering and the percent bonus. A solo person now has a 20% chance to trigger with an up-to 15% bonus. Next copyover, the help file will be update to be reflected. R P.S. Although I hope the next copyover gives you something more exciting than a help-file update. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Sat Aug 17 18:33:22 2024 Subject Druids apparently went in yesterday when I did the copyover for synergy skills. Enjoy. Just don't get up past level 38 too quickly, there are some spells I need to finish. R Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Thu Aug 22 18:30:27 2024 Subject Some changes First, and most will be happy, the constant skill checks for wildshape has been removed. You will stay wildshaped as long as you have mana and don't type stop wildshape. I also tweak the blackjack saves. It was originally a guaranteed sleep, then I made it almost always guaranteed, then I made it where there was only a 10% chance. It's been broadened a bit. Blind fighting is also now taken into consideration in special class attacks like malign, baneful strike, ardent strike, batter, hamstring, etc. R Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Aug 23 15:48:47 2024 Subject A new found skill Thanks to Nethaxion, a new found skill is installed and available to be found. Look in the far north for this skill. ... and hold on! R P.S. In unrelated news, to charge a staff, please use imbue. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Tue Aug 27 16:47:17 2024 Subject Ba-da-da-dum-da-dum! CHARGE! New command. Ride a mount, charge your opponent in battle! Based on your weapon (that you must have), so some weapons are better at charging than others. You might (just might) daze your opponent, or, if they are mounted, knock them off their mount! Of course, you need to know how to do combat while mounted, so... Also, mounted people have a hard time dodging when mounted, unless you have some skill in combat while mounted. Oh, and those of you who can turn into an animal of some sort? Yeah, you don't need a mount to charge: you can do it yourself! R (There were a few other minor things that happened, but I'll let you all find those out yourselves.) (Oh, and I reserve the right to make some changes to charge in the coming weeks if I'm not happy with it.) (Yes, no help file entry for it yet. Sorry.) Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Tue Sep 3 15:51:21 2024 Subject liquify/solidify earth Some changes to these spells. 1) Can't cast in safe rooms. 2) Can't cast in rooms already affected. There are more, but those are the two biggies. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Wed Sep 18 12:34:20 2024 Subject THORN barrage Thorn barrage was bumped to TAR_RANGED_CHAR_OFFENSIVE, instead of TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE. In English, it can be used ranged like magic missile. - Dave. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Sep 20 15:00:51 2024 Subject GAAAAH! I can't finish my quest! You'll notice a very expensive coupon at the Questmasters... A Quest "Clear" coupon... That said, if you just CAN'T finish your quest, and you're about to jump off a bridge rather than lose that 314 point Quest Streak... You might want to buy a Quest "Clear" Coupon, and use it! Quest obligation.. gone. Take a breath and chill :) - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Wed Sep 25 13:19:34 2024 Subject NOSELL (and dropping) Great idea on 'not dropping' certain items from Kragonos If you NOSELL an item, you will also NOT drop it (like ever). You can put it into a container and dump that, but it won't drop if you drop all, or even drop . If you DO want to get rid of it, simply NOSELL it again and you can. Great idea, no more dropping the keepers :). - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Oct 3 17:40:19 2024 Subject BUILDING: A new Admiral Found an unplaced mob, in a Piraty area.. built LONG ago by Loc, never given life. He's slightly afraid of boots... or the guy wearing them. - Ziv & Co. Ps. He be wandering the ports now, ya scallywags! Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Oct 8 20:09:26 2024 Subject PRESERVE Druids now have the ability to preserve like the Palace Mages do. To see cost, PRESERVE COST Druids may also PRESERVE PERM (if they have the mana...) The preservation is NOT as long as the palace mage, unless you PERM it. And, Druid's can also do bait, liquid pools in rooms, fish, and trash. Enjoy embalming, or whatever you freaky Druids do. - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Oct 10 11:43:08 2024 Subject PRESERVE (as a player) Great call Xots! Rangers also can preserve/mend rotting things. - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Oct 18 14:57:05 2024 Subject CONTINUAL LIGHT Play with it :)- Flavor added for clerics, mages, druids/rangers, and everyone else get's 'some' :P - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Nov 8 13:40:46 2024 Subject TRACK (mages) You can now be using a Staff also (not just a wand) as a mage tracking. - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Nov 8 13:41:44 2024 Subject RESTORE Restore now also does 'chill touch', let me know if there are any other 'maladicts' that aren't being removed? - Dave. Sender Reorx - Bharish Date Fri Nov 8 14:31:34 2024 Subject Appraisal Using appraisal also now tells you how much you'd get for sacrificing the item, so you can determine whether you want to sell it or sac it. (For those who care about the copper.) R Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri Nov 8 17:03:03 2024 Subject HISTORY (tells!) You can now use the HISTORY command with tells/replies! HISTORY TELLS (or replies/reply etc). - Ziv & Co. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Thu Nov 14 18:00:07 2024 Subject AREA COMMAND The AREA command is now updated! You can type AREA BUILDER SKOL, (or Malum :P) AREA REGION ABANASINIA, AREA NAME PAL, etc etc. Also, AREA LEVEL 25 - Ziv & Co. Ps. This is a way more useful area command, similar to ALIST that builders use. It greps the AREA file for name/builder or the hard- coded levels in the area (many of ours weren't set, so they are now). IE Area Level 15, where can I go slash stuff. - D. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Wed Nov 20 16:40:47 2024 Subject LORE You can now LORE items in the room, not just on your character. - Ziv & CO. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Nov 26 20:11:33 2024 Subject HISTORY GTELL/GROUP Great idea Tekreet! History command now can work for GROUP tells/GTELL etc (or just HISTORY TELL, all one file). - Ziv & Co.