Changes made to Ansalon during 2021.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Apr 21 17:45:28 2021
Subject notes/boards
Note boards require level 3 now to post, that spammer troll is posting dumb stuff.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Apr 21 18:17:42 2021
Subject Name approval
Due to our bridge dweller, we've put back in name approval. We'll also
hopefully be allowing hero helpers the command soon as well.
Sir fierydildo, etc etc, should fade away.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Apr 26 15:00:42 2021
Subject Name approval
It's back, with MXP links for approval/disapproval, should be easier to
spot/read etc. LMK if there are suggestions, thanks!
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Apr 27 15:34:22 2021
The ignore command has been updated to allow you to remove players NOT
connected. See also: {HHelp Ignore{h.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Apr 27 15:36:27 2021
Subject IGNORE
For imms... you can also IGNORE people :)
Because well... yeah, there are THOSE chars sometimes.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Jun 7 19:28:14 2021
Subject Mudportal (amazonaws) new chars
Any chars from our Mudportal/ have to be approved, their
timer actually climbs up instead of down. Only from that socket.
So Condom/Dipshit/Cumface kid can sit there all day if he likes.
That being said, if you're on, please approve any 'good' names from there.
Thanks all!
- Ziv & Co.